Why Banfield Pet Insurance
For more than the last 6 months I have had an eye on the Banfield Pet Hospital family. As you are probably aware the Banfield corporation runs one of the largest chains of pet hospitals in the United States (if not THE largest) and they have done so for quite some time now. One might think that running a business for so long might give you enough knowledge and experience to easily compete with other similar businesses that wants to treat pets for money.
Not to long ago I wrote an article called Banfield Pet Insurance Secrets Revealed on my premium pet insurance blog. That post along with some of the other Banfield related posts that I've made continues to attract a lot of pet owners that have been using Banfield's services and not being satisfied with it. People talk about everything from having a feeling of being sold to instead of being treated with respect like a customer should to VETs giving wrong recommendations resulting in more or less fatal results and larger hospital bills for the pet owners.
Amongst all the negative comments there are a few positive ones about how Banfield staff treated the pet owner wiht respect and in a professional manor. So even though you can statistically call it an investigation I think is says alot about the differences in the Banfield hospital portfolio.
Labels: banfield, cat, dog, pet insurance, pets