Internet Markedsføring Online | Pet Insurance | Artikler

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Internet Markedføring Online

If you own a business and you want to be successful with that business online as well as offline you will probably need professional assistance unless you already have in house resources that knows about marketing on the Internet.

Marketing on the Internet is not that much different from marketing offline but tracking the results of your efforts are to much easier which means that you'll get a lot more value for money as you'll know exactly what works and what doesn't work.

I will therefore always recommend that you speak to professional Internet marketers if you are serious about taking your business online.

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Friday, December 19, 2008

Great Golf Carts for Kids

I know I'm not updating this blog as frequently as I could but I've recently launched a new site that I'll be working on throughout 2009. The site is called GolfandCarts and can be found at and it is posted in a blog form.

For this particular blog I've chosen to use the wordpress blog software as it comes with some great theme that fits well into the golf niche. The design is kept green as the golf course and the rest is kept as simple as possible.

One of my first topics was around the topic of electric golf carts as they are winning the battle against the gasdriven models. Not only are the electrical models cheaper when used but they're also a lot friendlier to the environment which is an important topic in these days.

So please go check out the site to learn more about golf carts.

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