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Friday, January 23, 2009

What's that VIP insurance for pet all about?

Now we all know that the term "VIP" is normally used as short for Very Important Person but in reality it could just as well be for Very Important Pet. Some time ago I posted an article on the topic (you can find it here:

In that article I talked about the fact that many pet owners will go to great lengths for their pets and often further that they would for themselves. And I would like to go a little into that discussion here but first I would like to clarify that there is no such thing as a "VIP Pet Insurance". You'll find lots of different insurance packages that offer premium coverage but no one (to my knowledge) has taken that term and made a product for it.

The reason I would like to talk about the fact that some people will do more for their pets than they would for them selves is that it can often end up hurting the pet as well. If you're doing all you can to keep your pet at its optimal health but you're neglecting your own then you are not able to exercise your pet as much as you should because you'll be out of breath. And the worst case scenario would be that you actually die before your pet because you had a stroke or something like that because you ate the wrong food and didn't do the exercise.

I hope you can see the irony in this and if it is you that I'm talking about then be sure to make this year the new beginning for you and your pet. Start small and take one little step at the time. Do it together with your pet and you'll quickly see how the both of you will become more fit and energetic and you'll also both become a lot happier.

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Thursday, January 08, 2009

The ASPCA Insurance SmackDown

After having been in the business of commenting on and investigating pet insurance programs I have yet to find a company that has been as unpopular as the ASPCA Insurance Company. I'm not here to judge because I've also found several great testimonials from happy customers about their products and services so here is my take on why there are so many negative testimonials out there.

First of all we should know that ASPCA is an old company and because they have been running their business for so long they will naturally have had more customers and therefore have probably had more customers that wasn't satisfied.

It basically comes down to how big a percentage of the customers that aren't satisfied with their pet insurance and not the actual amount of pet owners.

One thing that says something positive about the company is that they have been in business for so long. It they provided a vary bad service they would have been out of business long ago since they would have had no return customers.
