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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Features of Qwik Jon Up flush Toilet Systems

Homeowners who want to install a bathroom in their basement are often faced with one issue. It is not uncommon for basements to be far from the house’s drainage system. Since the basement is typically not connected to the main sewer line of the house, installing a basement bathroom can be challenging. The best way to deal with drainage issues when installing a basement bathroom is to use an up flush toilet. There are two companies known for producing up flush toilets - Saniflo and Qwik Jon.

Qwik Jon produces wastewater and sewage removal products that can be installed almost anywhere, regardless of whether the bathroom is connected to a main sewage line. Its range of up flush toilet systems can grind solid wastes and course it through a small pipe for disposal. A Qwik Jon flush up toilet system can also dispose of wastes without causing any distracting noise. All Qwik Jon up flush toilets are also leak proof and do not emit unwanted odors.

A Qwik Jon flush up toilet system already come with a pre-assembled pump and tank to ensure easy assembly. Its pumping system can be conveniently installed behind the wall, or in any leveled surface. Qwik Jon pumps are highly noted for their durability, which means that they are sure to last for a long time. Since the toilet itself is very easy to install, homeowners will never worry about expensive labor costs. In fact, with the use of this amazing toilet system, there is absolutely no need to break the concrete or be concerned with a gravity flow in coursing the waste to the main sewer line.

Furthermore, the Qwik Jon Ultimate up flush toilet system features a ½ horsepower grinder pump that is capable of pumping in any direction. Moreover, it is basically designed to fully accommodate bathroom fixtures like a shower, bathtub, and lavatory. It is also available in three models including one that can be customized according to the preferred height of the user. This efficient and reliable toilet system is not just ideal for the basement. It can also be integrated in other locations such as workshops, garages, pool houses, and cabins.

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Why Buy a Sanipack Up flush Toilet?

Saniflo toilets are known to be practical and efficient in waste disposal. Hence why, homeowners and even commercial establishments are now opting for Saniflo toilets. In fact, they are now widely used in hotels, restaurants, and factories. Homeowners have also recognized the functionality of such toilets, which are particularly ideal for basement bathroom installations. Saniflo has a wide variety of toilets that shoppers can choose from. One of these is the Sanipack toilet.

The Sanipack flush up toilet system is installed into the wall cavity with its concealed frame system. The system’s reservoir is integrated into the wall, and only the push button that activates the flush is visible to the user. The system is particularly useful to bathrooms that are far from the main sewer line and soil stock. Since the reservoir is hidden in the wall, the toilet gives the bathroom a clean and appealing look.

Aside from its aesthetic value, the Sanipack flush up toilet system also have plenty of other useful features, which will surely attract more prospect buyers. This includes the following:

  • A powerful macerator, which comes with stainless blades. The macerator can grind the waste within 20 seconds, which translates to minimal electricity consumption. Additionally, the toilet’s macerator operates quietly; hence, users will be assured that no irritating noise will be produced.

  • Aside from human waste, the toilet system discharges wastewater from other bathroom fixtures like shower, sink, bidet, and urinal.

  • The wastewater discharged into this system goes through two small pipes, which can be utilized as necessary. The system can opt to use both inlets, depending on what is required by the discharge installation.

  • This amazing up flush toilet system can also pump up waste to the upper portion of the house, up to a maximum height of 9 feet. The system can also discharge the wastes to about 100 feet above the actual location of the bathroom.

Saniflo’s Sanipack toilet is indeed a practical waste disposal solution to any home or business especially those with problems in their sewage lines.

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Friday, July 16, 2010

At optage et lån i firmaet uden at hæfte personligt

Uanset om du allerede ejer en virksomhed eller du gerne vil starte en virksomhed, så er økonomien en vigtig del at have fokus på. Mange der starter små selvstændige virksomheder starter hjemme og arbejder ved siden af deres normal 8-16 job. På den måde er der normalt ikke tale om økonomiske investeringer som man bliver nødt til at optage lån for at få råd til.

Er du derimod en driftig iværksætter der gerne vil slå et stort brød op, så kan få brug for et firma lån som kan optages hos enten en bank eller kan blive finansieret via venturekapital. Uanset om du vælger den ene eller den anden rute, så er det meget vigtigt, at du er opmærksom på hvilke papirer du vælger at underskrive.

Mange nye iværksættere er så fokuserede på at få startet deres forretning, at de ikke fokuserer på de juridiske detaljer og hvis det hele ikke går som planlagt, så kan det blive utroligt dyrt. Mange tror, at fordi de starter et ApS eller et A/S, så er de sikrede hvis virksomheden går nedenom og hjem. Så melder man sig konkurs og hæfter i øvrigt ikke for noget personligt.

Desværre har mange erfaret, at når de tegner lån til deres virksomheder, så hæfter de også personligt for disse lån og derfor betyder en konkurs i deres selskab, at banker eller andre långivere pludselig kommer og forlanger alle deres møbler, deres hus og deres bil solgt. Man kan i værste fald ende på gaden og stadig stå med en stor gæld man aldrig kan betale tilbage.

Start småt

Hvis det er muligt, så kan det være en god ide at starte i det små. Tag et kvik sms lån eller træk penge på din kassekredit hvis det er nødvendigt, men undgå at skulle underskrive papirer hvor du hæfter personligt. Når først du har fået gang i virksomheden og du har bevist at du er i stand til at tjene penge, så vil banker og andre långivere være meget mere villige til at låne dig penge baseret alene på din virksomheds resultater og du behøver ikke i hæfte for virksomheden med din personlige formue.

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